Sunday, July 8, 2012

To CVS And Beyond!

Good news! I have discovered yet another low-level superhero power that I have. Besides being pretty good at guessing which way my food will be facing in the microwave when the timer goes off, I also possess the power to always be behind a person at a Redbox kiosk that has absolutely no idea what he wants.  And 9 times out of 10, I only need to return my disc.  And it's 8:57pm.

In other news, we are gearing up for the road trip!  I have spent HOURS and HOURS planning this out.  Hotels, restaurants, points of interest, scenic drives, car games, snacks, rest stop locations, gas prices- wow, if Jacob didn't love me before, he has to love me now.  And just like telling Cindy you are thinking about getting out the decorations at Christmastime, NEVER tell Cindy that you are thinking about starting to pack for a trip.  You will never hear the end of it.  Maybe the fact that I don't strangle her when she gets in these tunnel vision modes is yet another super power I possess.

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