Monday, July 2, 2012

It's About That Time

To break forth, the rhythm and the rhyme! I'm Jessica Jess and I'm here to move- oh, sorry for my impromptu Marky Mark lyrics.  What I really meant to say is it's about that time for Meme Monday!

Today I will focus on a Pinterest specialty.  These memes are called "Some ecards."  Yes, it is the dumbest name ever.  Hard to say, easy to forget.  Anyway, they all feature a bright, solid colored background and then some sort of hand sketched drawing (a lot of times of people from the 18th century) coupled with a observation about life, pop culture, or the annoying behavior of others. I have delved through all the hypercritical (and most of the time, inappropriate) ones, to find a few that deserve a harmless laugh.

Molly, Karin....I have a list for each of you.

Especially in a sombrero.

If I were on the radio...

True Love.

Although the tracker jackers would still get me in 2 seconds...

You have a blog?

Nailed it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is Nathan completely!! I love all of these. Funny :)
