Monday, June 25, 2012

Those Times With Which Moisture and Mondays Occur Always Cause Me Melancholy....Exclusive of those in Sweeneyville!

Wow, we haven't seen the sun since Thursday here in Sweeneyville.  Tropical Storm Debby has absolutely brought a deluge of rain upon us.  Probably had at least 8 inches since this whole thing began.  But that's great news for all the pyros right before July 4th!  My neighborhood will not be burning down due to the carelessness of a neighbor this year!  And also, guess who's computer is back in the shop again? Based on the messages from the myraid of blue screens of death, this time I think we need more memory. Although, I can't think of why we would need more memory, it's not like I am saving thousands and thousands of funny memes on the hard drive so I can show them to everyone on Mondays or something.

Okay, okay! He's right, I totally do! I am guilty as charged.  But speaking of Monday, it's time for some memes! And today we shall delve into the world of French portraitist Joseph Ducreux. Use this self-portrait of this fancy-pantsed Frenchmen to translate any commonly used pop culture phrase, especially song lyrics, into fancy, old school language that only someone in the 18th century would use or understand. This meme is very popular with hip hop lyrics, but since hip hop is stupid, I will stick to things that everyone will actually appreciate.  Halt and cast your eyes about these fine visuals! Canst thou excavate it?

And Jacob thinks this one is totally awesome:

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