Monday, June 4, 2012

Meme Monday

I had this idea the other day that in order to help my mom more fully grasp the concept of what Internet memes are, I would institute Meme Mondays in Sweeneyville.  So every Monday I will post the best meme I found in the past week.

Yes, I have altered time and space to make this appear as if I posted it on the correct day.  (You've read this blog before, right?)

For the benefit of my mom, here is the official definition of a meme:

meme [meem]
1.  a cultural item that is transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous to the biological transmission of genes.

Or, for actual humans to understand, it is basically a picture that gets re-captioned a zillion times and then sent out through email and Facebook to show how hilarious you are.

There are about 7 memes, or pictures, that are the most popular on the Internet right now.  Today I will start with a meme featuring "Success Kid."  This picture of a fist-pumping toddler is used to illustrate a situation of enormous success with an insignificant task. Thus,

And hopefully.....

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