Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cindy and Luke Quickies

This past week while riding in the car with Luke, he told me that his best friend Ben didn't go to preschool this year.  I told Luke that preschool is optional, or that if you don't want to go, you don't have to.  When Luke heard me say this, his face displayed the biggest look of shock and injustice ever.  And then very whiningly he said, "Ugh! Well, I didn't even want to do preschool!!!"   Haha, sucker!   I have a feeling this situation will be a running theme in Luke's life....

Saturday night I was the DJ for a Single Adult dance over in St. Pete.  I have started taking Cindy with me to these dances as a combination of moral support and also because the singles have kinda come to expect her.  (They are seriously so kind and fawn over her the whole night. I love them!)  But the odds were in Cindy's favor that night because after we got all set up we discovered that the curtains to the stage behind me were broken, and thus, had to be open all night.  It might as well have been raining candy because Cindy was in heaven with all that room to bust a move.  She danced her legs off for three hours and nailed "Call Me Maybe."  I think I had about six different people ask me if she was in dance class.  One day, grasshopper.

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