Friday, May 4, 2012


10.  Coruscant Mini Mart always out of detangling spray
9.  High School principal still calls him the "Hookie Wookiee" every time he sees him
8.  The way his eyes water when he hangs out with Jawas
7.  Han always forgets to roll down the windows when he leaves him in the Millennium Falcon on hot summer days
6.   When gas prices go sky high right before Memorial Day
5.  There's no "Wookiee's Night" this side of Endor
4.  Nine times out of ten he doesn't get raspberry in his pack of Mambas
3. Why is his name Han Solo when Chewy's always with him?
2.  The words for hot dog and danish are way too similar in Wookiee
1.  President Obama.  (He ate Chewbacca's cousin; confused him for a Pomeranian...)

(P.S.  Huge shout out to my brother Dave, who wrote almost this entire list.  In 5 minutes :)

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