Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Kingdom For My Camera!

No, really, where is my camera?  It STILL has not turned up and there is a picture I desperately need for this blog! The worst part of tearing the house apart looking for stuff is what you find instead of what you are looking for.  Thus, I didn't find my camera, but DID find the advent calendar from Christmas, a set of silverware I forgot I had, another 3-ring binder full of soccer drills, 5 shark teeth in a baggie, and even pictures of my brother Chris from his Junior Prom in 1994.  All of which is interesting for about a second, but pretty much useless.  Kind of like a Kardashian.  Or Congress.  So the search goes on....

A Luke Quickie

On Wednesday I had to go up to the church for Activity Days.  When I told Luke to stay with Dad because I would be gone for about an hour he was about to cry.  (It was so sweet :)   Later when I came home and was putting Luke to bed he told me,  "You said you were going to be gone for an hour and I was really sad to stay with Dad, but actually it wasn't so bad."   Oh, Luke.  You sure know how to win over your father!  I did ask Luke why it wasn't so bad and he said, "Because I got to do the new maps on Cawla Dooty with Dad."   (Cawla Dooty = Call of Duty on Xbox).  We start our sniper training young in Sweeneyville.  

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