Today the Primary-aged children were to sing a song to all their mothers during Sacrament meeting. At the appointed time all the children were called up to the front, and Cindy and Luke began to make their way forward. As the song began, my parents, who were seated behind me, leaned forward and said, "Where's Luke?" I scanned all the singing children and did not see him anywhere. Maybe he was in the back? As the kids finished and filed back to their seats, we still did not see Luke. When Cindy came to sit down I asked her where Luke was and she had no idea. I was starting to panic a little at this point. I mean, unless he got translated, my son was completely missing. As I looked around the chapel, I leaned forward and in the south side foyer, there was Luke with a very embarrassed, tear-stained face. He came walking over to me very sadly and when I asked him what happened he very quietly said, "I thought it was time for Primary." He had walked out of the chapel and down the hall to the Primary room by himself and had missed the entire song. It was so. sad. If you have met Luke you know that he has very big, very blue eyes. But imagine those giant eyes filled with huge pooling tears and his little mouth beginning to pull down at the corners. It is absolutely the most gut-wrenching, sympathy-inducing, pathetic sight your eyes have ever beheld in your life. EVER!!! I think he is related to this guy....
Oh!!! Poor Luke!! :( He is just the sweetest and cutest!