Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cinco de Luke-o

As most of you know, Luke turned the big 5 on Monday!  We had a small get together with the Grandmas and Grandpas for "cake" and presents.  Cindy got the doughnut cake she always wanted on her birthday, so Luke indeed got the Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll concoction of his dreams.  I had planned on doing an Avengers theme for this one, but at the last minute Luke called an audible and I was suddenly scrambling for all things Power Rangers.  Good thing I bought him two of those little guys in the past few months.

That gun he is holding was a huge hit.  It was just some random, noisy Walgreens gun/knife toy that he absolutely LOVES.  I would never have guessed! Good call, Mom.

Trick candles are always a good time.

Love this face he's making...

Cindy was more than ready to help.  As usual when it comes to presents.

And thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Sweeney for the new bike!  Not the best picture, but he has been riding this thing for three days straight.  Even has the band-aids on both knees to prove it :)

(Please take note of the outfit he is wearing.  Halloween shirt with patchwork shorts.  This is what happens when I say, "Today is your birthday so wear whatever you want!")

Finally, I also have to give major props to Luke's BFF Ben Bailey for giving him the most awesome toy car I have ever seen.  The only question is, where do I order the actual life-size Stormtrooper car?  

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