Saturday, February 18, 2012

She's Going The Distance

I finally ran another official 5k this morning! This would be the first one since Thanksgiving Day when I ran with 1200 people over in Riverview. Today was the Strawberry Distance Challenge in Plant City and it had only a measley 500 people signed up, so it was chump change :) My friend Susie and I ran it together back in 2009 and we both returned this year. She even brought her husband, Bill, along for the torture. She did amazing and shaved off almost 10 minutes since the last time we ran it! Overall, it was a good race. I turned in a good time, just about 26 minutes, which is apparently the fastest I will ever run in my whole entire life. That time put me 6th in my giant age group (30-40) but I am happy with my abilities. Remember, I am a Bingham and have no business running at all anyway, so to not completely suck at it is a victory in itself :)

Plus, who can resist getting a picture with a giant strawberry-headed man wearing a dinner jacket? Not. Me.


  1. Congrats!!!! :) So proud of all of you! :)

  2. I haven't seen Susie for years. She looks great! Congrats!
