Friday, February 10, 2012

Love Bugs

I put this over on Facebook, but I had to give a shout out over here as well so my parents could see this awesomeness. Yesterday I stumbled on a promotion from the Bronx Zoo, where, for $10, for Valentine's Day, you can name a hissing cockroach in their zoo after your sweetheart. I am not making this up. As the slogan says, "Flowers wilt. Candlelight fades. Roaches are forever." (They ain't whistlin' dixie on that one!) Even better is that if you pay just $15 more you will also get (and I quote) "a hand-painted, artisanal chocolate roach that will give your Valentine something to squeal about." Whoever thought of this idea needs a huge promotion. This fundraiser is absolute genius! All proceeds save the endangered web-footed spotted panda (or something like that) AND they also encourage you to even name a roach after someone you may not have the best of feelings for. Who can resist officially naming a roach after someone you think is total vermin? Don't worry, I am WAY ahead of you on this one. I already put in an order for two: Barack and Nancy :)

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