So while I was perusing around the Internet the other day looking for cool t-shirts about the TV show
Psych, I found something really amazing. Okay, okay, I
am a little obessessed with that show right now. But you say obssessed like it's a bad thing. However, in my defense, if certain other nameless individuals in my household get to watch Power Rangers or play Xbox for 10+ hours a week, I think I am
more than entitled to my own temporary addictions. (Sorry to out you on the Power Rangers, Jacob...) Back to the point at hand! On the nbcuniversalstore.com website they of course have Psych t-shirts, but do you know what else you can do there? Design your own t-shirt from the ground up. (Google Chrome only.) You pick the color, the fit, the logo, choose from about 15 different cast pictures or other graphics that come from the show, 20 different quotes from the show, etc. and make something completely unique to your liking. You can choose the size of the graphics, text, the location of where it's printed - middle, upper right, off-center, front or back, or BOTH! Seriously, where has this idea been all my life? It gives you everything you need to make an incredibly awesome tv show t-shirt- THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS. It's like they are psychic and could read my mind or something! Given the possibilities it's going to take me at least 6 months to choose a design, but when I finally do, you'll be the first to see it! Actually, you will probably be like 4th or 5th depending on your dedication to the blog, but you get the idea.
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