Well here is something exciting about my birthday yesterday, last night for the first time ever in my whole entire life I took Pepto-Bismal!!! Do I know how to party or what? It was off the hook!!! I was really expecting that pink stuff to make me puke, but it's surprisingly soothing and I think it honestly does work. It settled my stomach pretty quick and allowed me to go to sleep. So while I don't feel 100% today, I am feeling WAY better than yesterday :) Thanks for all the well wishes and messages too. I appreciate all of them :)
By the way, if your birthday is coming up or maybe your spouse's birthday is around the corner, make sure to get on the Internet and sign up for tons of free stuff. I did, and thankfully most all the coupons I got are good for another week. So make sure to get online and sign up with Ruby Tuesday's, Dairy Queen, Coldstone Creamery, Denny's, Moe's Southwest Grill, Arby's and CVS just to name a few. All of these places sent me some pretty good free stuff, so this next week I plan to really celebrate my birthday. No Pepto required!
Yesterday BrightHouse, my Internet provider, called with a special offer. They offered to boost our Internet speed by ten times what we had before for less money for 3 months. I agreed to this and so supposedly we now have speed of 10mps instead of 1mps. (That is not a typo, we live in a non-Fios Internet wasteland and 1mps is all we wanted to pay for.) Unfortunately, I am not seeing any difference in my internet speed. I was expecting something amazing, but Netflix still looks grainy and I still can't remotely launch a satellite to the moon, so I guess the true test will have to be Jacob playing Call of Duty online and me simply thinking of using the Internet at the same time, which is usually all it takes to make him lag and lose the game. So is paying more for "faster" non-Fios Internet really worth the money? I agree with this guy:
My final tip is the website instantwatcher.com. This site is for Netflix subscribers and has all the most popular new movies listed so you can see what has just been added and what is expiring. You can also see what movies have just been queued in the last 5 minutes by the most people. Really helpful! So although I have returned to watching "Psych" season 4 pretty much every day now, still, it's good to know that 'A He-Man Christmas' has been added, just in case I need to watch it.
I know when we've changed speeds in the past, it usually takes a couple of days for the order to take effect. Maybe it will work better soon? We just dropped our speed, though, and I haven't noticed a difference (we don't game or movie watch online, though, except for Starfall & Nick Jr. videos...). Glad you will still get to enjoy belated birthday freebies! :)