Saturday, January 28, 2012

To Disney and Beyond!

I normally don't get my pictures up so quickly, but I find myself here at the computer with some free time this morning, so why not use it wisely? Yesterday was absolutely great! We went to Disney with DeAnne to meet up with cousin Kate and Aunt Teresa. The weather was rainy for only about 15 minutes and then it was cool and cloudy the rest of the day- which kept the crowds low and our efficiency high. I would say we didn't wait more than 15 minutes for anything. Which is the only way to do Disney. No long lines and ridiculous heat for me. And can I say how much I just love Kate and Teresa? Well, I am going to, no matter what your answer is. They are so fun to talk to and spend time with. I really, really wish they lived closer to us :( But unfortunately they are probably on their way to the airport right now to head back to Utah. (My kids hate Utah, by the way. It is an evil, evil place where everyone they love lives or moves to, leaving them behind.)

A few pictures...

I have learned that Luke is a fan of "meeting" characters as long as he doesn't have to talk to them or interact with them a great deal. Really he just likes observing them secretly from close distances. This photo took a lot of guts.

These three LOVED to spin :) The adults, not so much...

Luke loved the carousel.

Teresa had a death wish and agreed to go driving with Cindy. She barely survived...

Captured by Zurg! Luke LOVED the ride Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin. He rode it 3 times and felt just like Dad playing Call of Duty :)

Even though it is about 30 days off, this picture totally counts as my annual picture with Cindy in front of Cinderella's castle. Can't wait to go back this December when the New Fantasyland is open. Here are some pictures that show what is coming if you care to know.

Cindy and Kate on "People World." I mean, It's a Small World.

Finally, at the end of the night, Cindy managed to ride Cinderella's horse on the carousel. All was right with the world.

Hard to believe how much she's grown already...

We managed to last all the way to 8pm for the fireworks show, which never disappoints. We also did a few new things this time - the Buzz Lightyear ride, the Jungle Cruise (which I have not done since I was about 8), Peter Pan's Magic Flight, (which Luke talked about almost the whole day) and when the kids stopped at a food cart and were offered a snack of their choosing, Cindy chose an orange. I am still confused. Cindy had obviously been kidnapped and replaced by some other child. Not to say that we still didn't have funnel cake, cinnamon sugar almonds, cookies, chocolate coins, and waffles with nutella and fruit- but still, an orange?

Overall, it was such a great day together. The kids and I loved every minute of it. Now I just have to convince Jason and Teresa to move here. Which might not be too hard of a sell right now because Lakeland's high temp today is 75 and Salt Lake's is 22. Just think about it, okay Teresa? :)

1 comment:

  1. I have only been around Teresa a few times, but really like her. What a fun day!
