Monday, January 23, 2012


Yesterday we asked the kids what we should do for Family Home Evening. Cindy immediately suggested "We need to learn how to do the splits." She's got us there, we haven't covered that one yet.

Then later on while having our Family Home Evening about the 10 Commandments, we were trying to nicely explain what "adultery" was. That lead to Cindy making a comment about how some parents get divorced. Jacob told her that was not ever going to happen to us and then Cindy said, "Besides, you guys are a great couple!" Once again, you can't argue with her!

Yesterday in the hallway at church, I asked Luke's new primary teacher, Brother Carter, how Luke was doing in class. He just smiled a big grin and said, "I tell you what, don't ever leave him lying around because I am gonna steal him :)" I thought that was so cute, so at dinner yesterday I told Luke what Brother Carter had said. Luke's expression was the most perfect blend of smiling and sheer horror that I had ever seen.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha Cindy's so funny!! And I agree with Luke's teacher. We'd love to steal him :)...
