Boy, once the kids get out of school and family comes in from out of town, it is hard to keep track of the days during the holidays! Hard to believe yet another Christmas is in the books already. We had a wonderful Christmas this year and I hope that everyone out there did too :)
We spent most of Christmas Eve at my parent's house. We played Pictionary, decorated cookies, ate tons of junk food, hung out, talked, and then of course, ended the night by acting out the Nativity.
This was the first time I had done the Nativity with my family in years! Kelly made a very beautiful and appropriate Mary, Brian's beard looked fantastic with his headdress and Cindy played the angel on the exact same hearth where I played the same angel when I was her age. Including holding the exact same star. My dad and I were shepherds, keeping watch over our flocks of gorillas by night. And mom, Dave and Luke rounded out the cast as the three wise men. Luke looked like a pirate and said that the pillowcase was making his head sweat, but he made it to Bethlehem like a good little soldier.

This year's Christmas eve PJs. I ordered Cindy's back in November and had not opened the UPS box until yesterday when I wrapped them. It never occurred to me to open and check to see if they were the right ones. Sure enough, these are NOT the ones I ordered! I actually had ordered some really cute Christmas kitten pjs, but this is what I got. Thankfully, Cindy LOVED these. I am eternally grateful they weren't something hideous like Justin Bieber or Monster High. Dodged a huge bullet there. And Luke christened his new Avengers pjs by not quite making it to the bathroom in time at about 12:45 :(
Cindy is at the age where she is convinced all year long that Santa is definitely
not real but then freaks out right near Christmastime and rethinks her decision. I was surprised this year how much she got into the spirit of things. Last night we had to set out cookies and milk and also the "reindeer food" that Luke brought home from Kindergarten. Reindeer love oats, hay and glitter, apparently. But sure enough, when morning came, all those things were gone! ;) In year's past we have had to wake the kids up to open presents. (Yes, we are spoiled.) They hadn't really gotten to the age where they were waking up super early. Last night I told them they could get up when they wanted and see what was out by the tree and look at their stockings, but NOT to wake us up. This was the first time that Cindy's excitement made her completely not follow the plan. I was a little surprised at 7am this morning when she came in and told me rather loudly, "Santa came last night!!!!!" I know, I know, cry you a river, right? But seriously, 7am is a little early for our kids.
Among other things, the kids got bean bag chairs....
A rockin' new fedora....
A new watercolor set....
Hungry, Hungry Hippos.....
And I got a picture of me and Jacob. And he is SMILING :) Christmas accomplished.