Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I went and moved it, moved it!

I have now been up here in Tennessee with my brother and his family for over 24 hours and we have been having a great time. We have eaten, hung out, eaten, stayed up late, been sightseeing, eaten some more and this morning I did something I have never ever done before. Something that I have read status updates about, heard commercials about, seen bumper stickers for but something I have never ever actually tried for myself until this morning. And it is called Zumba. Molly took me with her to the Y for a morning class and I can finally say, I get it. I understand what the big deal is. It is actually insanely fun. It doesn't even feel like exercising! It was like a real life class of Dance Central! So fun! I will say however, there are some moves going on in those classes the likes of which I did not anticipate :) Now I just have to wait to see if I can move when I wake up tomorrow...


  1. The intensity of Zumba is a lot in part of the instructor. It sounds like you had a good one. ;-) Good luck tomorrow. I should go back to those classes....they are fun.

  2. Zumba is awesome!! Mags is right it's all about the instructor. I really want the Zumba for the kinect I think that would be fun.

  3. Glad you had a good time. The first time I went, I loved it but definitely felt it the next day! :)
