Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Winds of Change

This morning my father-in-law was released from his church calling of being Stake President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints here in Lakeland, Fl. He has served in this calling for ten years! That was such a LONG time ago. Cindy wasn't even alive when he first became Stake President! So in honor of this momentous occasion, what could be better than some sweet Top Ten action? Answer: Nothing!

He won't admit it, but Karl is really gonna miss these things...


10. Instant friend verification with any member of the Quorum of the 12 on Facebook
9. Pretty much have the place to yourselves at Stake President's Night at Disney World
8. Free churro with every tenth Temple visit
7. Extending fake callings to members to clean your garage
6. Telling everyone you are on the phone with Salt Lake while talking into your shoe
5. Getting to destroy the country, ruin the economy and embarrass the nation on the world stage- Oh, wait those are perks of being the actual President. My bad...
4. No free health insurance, but free DVD of Patch Adams!
3. Get to use FastPass for really crowded endowment sessions (Utah Temples Only)
2. If the fire alarm at the Stake Center doesn't go off for 30 days you win a Ford Fiesta
1. Unlimited Overtime!!

In all seriousness, I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say,
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant" :)


  1. Wow! I have been away for that long?! I remember DeAnne calling me about his being set apart. So who gets to fill his shoes now? And has he been called a mission president yet?

  2. These were great! And most of them are actual - but that little secret is between you and me....
