Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Results Are In!

Well, it's finally time to review this year's school pictures. And I even have a bonus for you! I totally forgot about Luke's picture day this year and so I didn't even order a single photo of him, which was kind of making me feel bad. But I was secretly hoping they would send home some sort of teaser photo that would at least show me what I was missing, and more importantly, allow me to show all of you what it looked like without having to go online and buy some sort of multi-million dollar reprint package. Well, whattayaknow? They did send me a little flyer with his pictre on it :) Score!

Take it away digital camera! Because scanners are way too high-tech for Sweeneyville...


Did I mention that I totally forgot it was picture day that day? And that my children have been triple certified in the unnatural half-grimace? Not crazy about his hair, not crazy about the smile, but I do love that this picture shows a Lego Stormtrooper on his shirt. If Jacob can have 6 years of school pictures in a shirt with the General Lee on it, then I guess Luke can have Lego Star Wars on his :)


I would have to give this picture an overall B-. The hair looks great. Kinda wishing both sides weren't in front of her shoulders, but overall it held up pretty well. I am once again not digging the smile that doesn't show her teeth and also says, "I am really uncomfortable doing this, please hurry."

I think when you are around your kids all day and you see them laugh and smile all the time, you know what they look like and have expectations of what their pictures should look like. So when you get their pictures back and they aren't captured just as you think of them in your mind, it causes you to be a little critical. Honestly, I am pleased with both of their pictures. Luke and Cindy are beautiful kids and I take a lot of comfort in the fact that at least their pictures didn't turn out like this:

(I don't own these photos, they came from here.)

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