Wow, time is really a blur right now. It's been over three days since I last blogged so I must have been on my death bed or in prison or had jury duty or something, right? Actually, I think I can sum up what I have been doing for the past week in one sentence: Trying to stop sweating. This quest started in third grade when we moved to Lakeland and I have been trying to accomplish this feat every day since then. Total failure. However, we are getting a "cold front" tonight and I don't mean to brag, but our high will be 83 on Sunday with a low of 64. Do you hear what I'm saying?! I could be in capris! While I wait for that glorious occurrence, here is my...
Today I took my mom to chemo treatment #9. She only has 12 total, so we are getting closer all the time! Hallelujah! They give my mom a ton of Benadryl at these treatments, which pretty much means a sweet 2-hour coma while the medicine drips. However, Mom did tell me today that she was able to come out of her coma just for a few minutes because she smelled the cookies that the candy striper was bringing around. Yes, I just used the phrase candy striper. And yes, that is how powerful cookies can be.
Grandma saved a cookie just for Luke :) I had to track down my own. Thanks a lot, Mom! Just kidding!! I always can get my hands on one. I'm sort of an expert at that.
Tuesday afternoon Cindy came home with a "fishtail" braid in her hair. The high school intern that helps in Cindy's class (that also happens to be on Jacob's soccer team) had put it in Cindy's hair. Cindy told me the next morning to put another fishtail braid in. I told her I didn't know how and tough luck. Ha ha on her! So what does she do? Pulls up a how-to video on YouTube video all by herself and tells me to watch it. Ha ha on me! So at 6:45am I was watching a video and doing my first fishtail braid. Which turned out like this:
Not bad, eh?
This week I signed up Luke for gymnastics. Since Cindy and Jacob have soccer to completely run their lives, Luke needs his own extra-curricular activity to keep him excited about life. And by "excited about life" I really mean "not watching Netflix all day." I took him to the free class on Tuesday night, and while getting him to actually let go of me and be part of the class was kind of like removing a giant, crying, eight-tentacled squid from the outside of a submarine, eventually, he got over his fears and had the time of his life on the long, running trampoline and hanging on the rings. Olympics here we come! (You know, to watch on TV...)
This week Publix supermarkets just came out with a new Apple Pie ice cream. I bought it tonight for Jacob and I will of course let you know how it is. It has to be good though, it comes with pieces of crust!
I have been hard at work getting Cindy's Princess Leia costume ready for Halloween. She has been hard at work growing her hair all summer, so we will see if she can pull off the buns all own her own. If not, I have two bear claw pastries I bought at the day old bread store just waiting to help out.
And speaking of Star Wars, tomorrow I am taking the kids to a Sci-fi exhibit over in Tampa that is going to feature a parade and photo ops with, among others, Stormtroopers and Darth Vader. Stay tuned for amazing video of Luke's eyes popping out of his head and shattering on the ground in a million tiny pieces. Actually, I am WAY excited about this too. It's going to be blog-tacular!
That exhibit was up here. The kids had fun.