Thursday, September 8, 2011

Your thoughts?

Every morning in the car on the way to drop off Luke and Cindy at school, I usually have on AM talk radio. Yes, behold my geekiness once again! On Monday morning, the kids were very mellow, which caused them to hear a particular pest control radio ad very clearly. We have since heard it a few more times and now the kids are quoting it.

Take a listen here:

60-second radio spots

Personally, I find the ad to be a unique combination of creativity and extreme creepyness. On the one hand, I HATE roaches, so the ad completely speaks to me. I have had more experience with roaches this summer than I need in a lifetime. (And I didn't even go to Mexico!) The idea of annihilating those psycho breeding vermin is actually a happy thought. But on the other hand, the imagery takes me to places that should never ever be visited. Ever. EVER. Even better is that Cindy doesn't actually even get the innuendo of the ad, which makes her comments about it all the more funny. (Kissing makes babies and that is all we know.) Plus, I am definitely not ready to have that discussion with Cindy about the birds and the bees, or the birds...and....the....roaches, I guess. Okay, this is just getting weird.


  1. Well, you know what they say..."sex sells...pest control." I'd be interested to see how well this ad works. At least it was radio instead of a print ad...!

  2. I love the twangy lounge music that comes on in the background...cue the Austin Powers clip....

  3. I agree creative but extreme creepyness! I guess they thought it works for other ads why not roach spray!

  4. Ha Ha Ha Ha... Oh man! Makes me laugh so hard, especially thinking that luke and cindy were listening! ha ha ha. Agreed, it's creepy.

  5. That was hilarious! I think we are gearing up to have that 'talk' with our oldest soon. We want to beat the playground to it.
