Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Raise Your Hand if You Broke Your Arm

As much as we were hoping for not having to do a cast, alas, it was not in the cards. Cindy gets this cast for three weeks, then another shorter cast for another three weeks. The doctor wouldn't allow for a waterproof cast (though many of you suggested it). He said they are smelly, horrible and not a good choice. So that discussion lasted about 2 seconds and we moved right along to picking out the color. And I must say that this color purple actually will go quite well with her reception dress! Silver linings, people :) Cindy's dear friends also came over to see her today with cards and candy and I know that made her feel so much better. She is starting to see that she can survive life with a cast. I even told her we would have a "Cast-Away" party when it comes off! To which she said, "Can we go on a cruise?" To which I said, "Huh?" I convinced her that a pool party at Grandma's would be good enough. She is supposed to keep it elevated over her head a lot for the next two days, which immediately conjures images of the Oscar-winning film Rookie of the Year. I am really counting on some of the tendons in her wrist healing a little tight so she can sign with a Major League Baseball team as a star pitcher. I gotta recoup my out-of-pocket somehow, right?

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