It's finally the moment you have all been waiting for. Here are my pictures from Sean's wedding. Seeing as this event was the entire point of our trip, I guess it's about time to share a few of them.... (Facebook helped with a few of these. And by Facebook I mean Brooke :)
They got married at the Salt Lake Temple at 9:40am, so we had to be there by 9 to get settled. The kids stayed with some cousins outside and then waited patiently for Sean and Tara to make their grand exit. In the meantime we got to see about 6 other couples come out those same doors. It was pretty fun to critique the different dresses, examine the comparative level of attractiveness of the bride and groom and have the kids accidentally be in hundreds of pictures they never should have been in :) By the way, true, white wedding dresses are definitely in the minority nowadays. Not many brides were wearing one at the temple. Apparently it's all about the cream.
Luke, Lauren, Cindy, Kate and Michelle patiently waiting... Well, Cindy and Luke not so much...
My pictures aren't spectacular, but Sean put Tara into one amazing dip at the top of the stairs.
Cindy and her cousins pretty much attacked Tara the moment she got to the bottom steps. The were on her like a cheap suit on a Toyota salesman. We had to do a little crowd control to keep Tara in one piece.
But finally, we let the girls have their bridesmaid moment in the sun and help carry Tara's dress around to other side of the temple. The cute girl next to Cindy is actually Jacob's cousin Kate, who is the same age as Cindy and Michelle and who Cindy got to hang out with when she went to Utah with DeAnne 3 weeks ago. Kate is GREAT!
It was mentioned at the wedding luncheon that Tara is extremely knowledgeable about what to do to make sure you always look good in pictures. I'll say! She is very photogenic! And I guess Sean is handsome too :)
The photographer took an identical photo of this one, however, I really wish they would have put Cindy and her cast of awesomeness on the other side behind Sean. Sigh....
All the siblings together again :)
Best In-Laws EVER!!!
Uncle Nate the Great and Luke.
This is the only photo I have from the wedding luncheon at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. Yes, totally out of focus, but you get the idea. Sean did play the guitar and sing for Tara. He is very talented and we all enjoyed listening to him play and sing without screaming.
They had their reception at the Wight House in Bountiful, Utah. Just to reiterate, I don't take the best pictures, but you get the idea.
As was mentioned previously, Cindy did throw up right before the wedding reception and Luke threw up in the car on the way there, so this picture is pretty accurate concerning their moods when we first arrived:
But as Jacob observed, If only we could all look so pretty when feeling totally sick :)
If we're being honest, we all know that with her cousins around, Cindy couldn't be kept out of the action for too long. She was feeling remarkably improved by the end of the night!
Cindy and Michelle, BFFs :)
All of the Sweeney clan, or should I say tribe.
Pretty dresses, handsome boys, dancing, flowers, and CAKE??? Best. Night. Ever.
Luke is a stud. He totally protested about the purple tie, but in the end he manned up and wore it like rock star.
How unfair is it that KaRyn is this gorgeous? Very, very unfair. Where does she gets her good looks from anyway???
The throwing up, the cast, the endless complaining about the tux- for these reasons I gave up on a good family photo. This is more "us" anyway.
Okay, this one isn't too bad :)
I remember a photo of DeAnne in her house of when she was in college. Her and KaRyn are seriously identical. Also, while I was typing this, my daughter got into some blue paint. Lovely distractions blogs can be....