Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Leavin' on a jet plane

Today Cindy left with Grandma Sweeney to head out to Utah for the annual Henrie Family Reunion in Panguitch. (This is where our family went on our roadtrip out west two summers ago.) This is really the first time that Cindy has ever left us and gone away; we have left her many times, no problem. But she already called me from the airport sounding a little homesick and telling me she missed us. It was pretty cute :) But I know she is in good hands and will have a wonderful trip with her grandma. In the meantime, Luke is living it up as an only child! We already spent a good hour putting all the loose change in the house through the coin sorter (which he LOVES to do), then he got to choose anything he wanted off Netflix to watch- no sibling agreement required! Which worked way to my disadvantage because they just put Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers on instant watch and Luke is obessessed with that show now. It all started with those dang clearance shoes I bought him that had the Power Rangers on them.... Still, it is not as bad as Sky Dancers, which is, 100% and totally the absolute hands-down WORST all-time cartoon show in the history of mankind. I wanted to post a clip on here and reward someone handsomely if they could make it through the entire thing, however, all the clips on YouTube seem newer and clearer and even some of the comments indicate they are some sort of cleaned up remakes. And I'm not letting anyone off that easy :) Finally, we are about to head out for some Cici's Pizza. Luke loves pizza. It's one of the few foods that he will eat more than one helping of. But should he remain true to his normal MO and he ends up eating only one piece because two hours have passed since we started the meal, well, it's Tuesday, so he eats free anyway. Let the good times roll!

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