Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy National Lollipop Day!

I bought four lollipops about two weeks ago just for this occasion so it was time to finally bust them out! It was Cotton Candy for Cindy, Cinnamon Roll for Luke, Blueberries and Cream for Jacob and Cherry Cheesecake for me. Cheers!

These were supposedly gourmet lollipops, but honestly, I was not really impressed. Mine gave no hint of cheesecake, but tasted only like cherry. Luke, Cindy and Jacob all seemed to enjoy theirs- although Luke's tasted to me a little like cinnamon wax.

Yesterday was either National Daiquari Day or Raspberry Cake Day. I wasn't feeling either of those, so I celebrated Have a Hilariously Good time with a Friend at a Water Park Day. Thanks, Davina! It was hoot :)

Cindy was finally tall enough and brave enough to tackle the yellow slide. And then she spent almost 3 hours doing only that :)

Luke was not tall enough for the yellow slide, but he had fun anyway. Manly Spiderman bathing suits tend to do that.

Oh, Ryan! You are so smiley, why must you spite me so?

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