It is now officially July and I have decided I need some excitement in my life. Therefore, in the month of July, I will be celebrating more wacky holidays as I did last November. Not promising to complete the full 31 days, but something close to it will do us all a little good :)
Although I have never been to Canada, I am actually part Canadian, so this is right up my alley. I now give you:
The Best and Worst Things that Come from Canada
My Grandpa Bingham
Justin Bieber
Maple syrup
Boxing Day
Alex Trebek
Government-run health care
Justin Bieber
Thanksgiving in October
Spelling regular words with an extra 'u' (i.e. What's your favourite flavour? Coucounut, of course!)
Celine Dion
Well, that is all fine and dandy, but you must be wondering how am I actually celebrating Canada Day. I will tell you; I made a list on my blog! Didn't you just read it? Sheesh! And as an added bonus I will relate to you that while reading Old Testament scripture stories the other night, Cindy kept reading the word 'Canaan' as Canada, which made the story of the Israelites a thousand times more exciting. Bless you, Cindy!
To add to the Best Things that come from Canada - Rookie Blue (the best show EVER, which is co-Canadian produced and has some of the best music as a background, just in case you were wondering) :)