There is obviously so much more than this, but these will start us off...
1. Air guitar is a true talent. If there is one thing I remember about my dad when I was about the ages of third grade to high school, it is him playing air guitar in the garage while doing yard work. My dad loves good guitar music. Classic rock stuff. Things like George Thoroughgood, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, you get the idea. Anytime my dad was outside doing yard work or general repair or maintenance tasks, he always had his CD player blasting and when a good riff came on, his rake or broom transformed into one rockin' air guitar. He ain't half bad at lip syncing either! I definitely get my love of music from him. Though my song downloading addiction is only about half as bad as his...
2. There are rules for yard work etiquette. I remember one time when I was younger when my dad was out mowing the front lawn and I thought he had gone just a bit too far over into the neighbor's territory. But he told me it is custom to mow one strip over into the neighbor's grass. Why? I don't remember, but for some reason that concept has always stuck with me.
3. The absolute best way to ask for a favor from anyone is to start it with these eight words: "I will give you a million dollars if..." It sounds so simple, but I have used this on everyone from the librarian to my waitress to Cindy's teacher and it always, always, ALWAYS gets a positive response. Try it, you will be stunned at how magical it is!
4. Eggs go with anything. We all know that my dad gave me my deep abiding love for breakfast, but more specifically, my dad taught me that just about anything goes on eggs. Salsa, hot sauce, canned mushrooms, pepperoni, banana peppers- pretty much anything you can think of is acceptable. Especially Parmesan cheese, which I believe is his favorite egg topping of all time. And I do love me some Parmesan cheese :)
5. When on vacation, the appropriate mantra is "You're on vacation, do whatever you want." My family has never taken any elaborate vacations together, but we always did take little getaways when I was younger. Mostly to the beach or to somewhere close by; and always staying in some little no name motel here and there. But while we never did anything outwardly grandiose on these trips, we always had amazingly fun times together. Partly because we are just fun people, :) but also because mom and mostly dad let us feel justified in any whims we might have. Cereal at midnight? Sure! Wearing ridiculous clothes that don't match at all? Absolutely! Sleeping in your clothes? Yup! Not eating any vegetables for 5 days? Certainly! Dad let us all feel like little Frank Sinatras on vacation- we got to do it our way.
Thanks Dad for all you do. I don't kid when I say that I have had many people over the years, when speaking of you, tell me, "You must have had the best childhood!" And I can honestly say I DID :)
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