Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Luke Quickies

This morning Luke was laying in the darkness on the couch in the living room while Jacob and I ate our breakfast. Finally he asked for his "long cracker" to eat. (He seriously eats one every. single. morning.) When I went to the cupboard and opened the cracker for him, I noticed that about one third of the cracker was missing. It must have got broken off before it got sealed in the package. I thought that was strange, but didn't matter. So I went over to the couch and layed the cracker on the couch next to him. I was back at the breakfast table when I heard him complain real loud, "Mom! It's not even LONG!" How does he notice the difference between a rectangle and a square, in the dark, at 6:45AM!??

I went to a large outdoor park last Saturday with my kids and my neices and nephew. At one point I was pushing both Luke and my nephew Wyatt on the swings. We were facing the park and looking out over all the different people who were there that morning, including a woman who was there with her kids and wearing a burka? I believe it is called? She had on a very long black cloak, that went from her ankles to her wrists and then also the full head wrap around her hair, which was also black. I admire her dedication to her beliefs, but I couldn't help thinking how hot she must be in all those clothes! Luke, however, had different thoughts. As he swung in silence and then saw her among the scene, he got very excited and said, "MOM! IT'S DARTH Vader... Oh, wait, that's not him....." And then he got very quiet again. In his world, Darth Vader could be anywhere.

Last night Cindy made a homemade slingshot from a Y-shaped stick she found in the yard. Luke really, really, wanted to hold it and try it out, but didn't exactly know what it was called. So he kept following her around begging her, "Can I please hold your Angry Birds thing? Please?!"

This is not a Luke Quickie, but I just have to say that for Family Home Evening last night, we got some wheat out of Food Storage and used a hand crank grinder to make some whole wheat flour. I have never felt more Mormon in my entire life :)

And because my parents do not use Facebook....

Here is a picture I saw there that made me laugh :)

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