Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Star Wars Day!

Because it is May the Fourth. And may the fourth by with you! Yeah, yeah nerds can be so clever, can't they?

I think, however, the best way to celebrate today would be to watch any of original trilogy movies, play light sabers, fly around a pretend TIE fighter in your living room, play LEGO Star Wars on Xbox and finally learn to properly pronounce "Degobah." Oh, wait, Luke and I do that EVERY DAY. No, seriously, I did all 5 of those before 2pm. (Luke calls it the 'Dang-oh-mah' system :)

Well, then how about ordering any one of these fine Star Wars products?

Tonton Sleeping Bag

Worst part of this is having to sleep in your goggles. But the giant arm on the outside is definitely my favorite part.

Death Star Grill

Just be careful because if you drip just one drop of grease directly into a teeny hole at the bottom it causes a chain reaction and the whole thing explodes.

Jabba the Hutt Bean Bag Chair

Pretty sure a bean bag chair inspired Jabba the Hutt anyway, so this isn't that much of a stretch.

R2D2 Sauce Dispenser

I am not seeing the sauce coming out of an extendable probe arm. I will have to pass.

R2D2 Headphones

They are a cool idea, but I am sure all you hear is beeping when you put them on.

R2D2 Aquarium

I am just so blown away that it isn't a trash can!

Han Solo in Carbonite Desk

I really wanted this to be an operating table. Sigh.

Darth Vader USB Hub

Dangit! I just bought a USB hub! If only I had known of this. Clearly I was not using the force that day.

Garden Jawa
If only I could put a real Jawa in my garden. I would love for them capture all of the verminous squirrels and then sell them as slaves to some farmers out of a giantic metal Winnebago.

C3p0 Tape Dispenser

If only there were some sort of really over the top Star Wars desk to put this on....

Darth Vader Plate

Mom, I hope you like this because you're getting one on Sunday.

And now a riddle: Where does a rebel fighter keep his Wookiee Cookies?

In his Stormtrooper Cookie Jar, of course!

That cookbook is amazing, by the way. It has recipes for Bobba Fett-ucini, Hoth Chocolate, Yoda Soda, Obi Wan Kebabs, and Tuscan Raider Taters! I love this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. P.T. Barnum once said you would never go broke underestimating the taste of the American public. I find my lack of interest in having the C3P0 tape dispenser on my desk disturbing....

  2. That desk is amazing...and kinda creepy.

  3. I think this swimsuit would fit in well with all of those:
