Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yet Another Request

Well, my Mom found out today that she is going to have surgery again on Monday to remove more cancers they didn't find the first time around :( Initial tests done during the first surgery suggested otherwise, but after complete biopsies were done, this is the course of action that is necessary. She will also have to travel down the road of radiation and chemotherapy. I told her if I could do that in her place, I would do it in a second, but gosh darnit, she kinda has to do that one herself. Which is really the hardest thing for me to accept. So if you can remember her in your prayers over the coming weeks, my entire family would be ever so grateful and bless your names to the third generation. Which is pretty good, because most people only offer up to the second, so we're pulling out all the stops here. Honestly, everyone has been so wonderful already, forgive me for my continued begging. Overall her prognosis is still very, very good, she just is going have to take the 'scenic route' for a while on her journey back to normal life. Which, I do believe, isn't that far off :)

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