Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Where's my toast? Because it's time for some Graphjam!

While I work on getting a picture of my hairdo for the day posted....

There is a website called that I really enjoy. It describes itself as "Music and Pop Culture in Charts and Graphs" but it actually includes so many more areas of life than just those two. All the graphs, charts and diagrams are user-submitted and then you can vote on them. I only visit the site occasionally, because quite frankly, you never know what you might find on there, if you catch my drift. So proceed at your own risk if you choose to check out the site. Anyway, here are a few of my favorite graphs from the last few days. You'll see how it works pretty quickly...

funny graphs - I Always Wanted a Pet Tiger
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - Hey Bruce
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - George Lucas: Acrotomophile?
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs -
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - The Great Secret of Adulthood
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - Oh Hey...You
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - When Those Run Out, Move to Bottles
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - When You Point, Stick Figures Look More Like Real People
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - Why I Never Take Showers
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - Don't Shower; Problem Solved
see more Funny Graphs

Is this not a genius idea? I love it! And so did Luke, by the way...

funny graphs - GraphJam City Needs a Hero
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - Flawless Victory
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - Document Deleting FOREVER
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - The Flight of the Worker Bee
see more Funny Graphs

Hope those gave you a chuckle, I am working on my own graphjams. Starting with this one: (click to enlarge...)


  1. ha ha those are awesome. I think I like the one about luke the best.

  2. when me and tara come down it will be all one color with luke asking "Can i play with sean and tara!?!?" okay maybe not
