Sunday, April 10, 2011

Two for One

I didn't make it to press yesterday with my amazing "hairdo" of the day, but considering I was looking like this for most of it, I didn't think anyone would really mind too much.

(Isn't my crazy eyeball totally creepy!?)

I consider the ballcap a true hairstyle. Plus, I had to use it as one of my 30 styles so that when I throw us all for a loop by wearing a hat that is NOT a ballcap, you will see just how different I look.

As far as today goes, I know that some might think that just putting a flower in your hair doesn't qualify as a new way of doing your hair, but you have to understand that, for me, this is a huge deal. I never wear flowers or accessories in my hair. I think about it all the time, but never have the guts to actually do it in public. I think people would think it truly strange coming from me. And even more amazing is that today was a choir performance in church, so not only did I wear the flower to church, I wore it in front of the entire congregation! What next, singing a solo? Skydiving without a chute? Absolutely not. Maybe going with Hot salsa instead of just Medium....But I feel pretty proud of myself. And better yet, I got compliments on my flower! So, thank you Ellen Foley for placing it correctly in my hair at church this morning. I couldn't have done it without you :)

And yes, Karin, that is the bracelet you made me :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the flower! What did you sing? You look amazing. I think instead of eating hot salsa, you should don your flower & go (hot) salsa dancing with Jacob. :)
