Monday, April 18, 2011

Hair Salon Jessica

Lest you think I have abandoned my principles and ditched the hair dare in the home stretch- here are pics from today and yesterday. If you saw me yesterday at church you didn't probably didn't really get very excited about my hair (you know, like you normally do every Sunday), but I was wearing a headband, dangit! And I haven't done that since I was a kid. Specifically since my tap dance recital in 3rd grade when we performed "Singing in the Rain" complete with pink feather headbands AND parasols. It was entertainment the likes of which you have never seen! Okay, it was a crappy kids recital and half of us still couldn't make the correct tap noise after 4 months of lessons, but it has sentimental value, shall we say. Anyway, I actually really enjoyed the headband! It was a super easy style and I am tempted to go that route a little more often now. And helpful tip of the day: For a good place to buy headbands AND thrifty jewelry that can accessorize your Sunday attire: Bealls Outlet. I love that place! So much weird stuff, so little time.

And for today, I came up with a style that was supposed to have my hair down in the back, but seeing as how I have not stop sweating since I woke up this morning, I had to put the hair up in the back. Not sure the ponytail is really a match for the side braids, but I was significantly cooler :) I just have to be careful about the little hairs that stick out by my ears if they miss the braid. I look like an Macaroni penguin. Not my best look. (See the movie Surf's Up for reference)

Totally weird that at the exact moment I was taking these pictures I had Rosa taunting me on my right

and a UFO landing on my left. It was just that kind of day...

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