Saturday, March 19, 2011

Two More

The motherboard went out on my home PC (AGAIN), so while it is in the shop getting repaired, blogging might be a little sketchy. We, of course, have the laptop to use, but I don't really have access to all my pictures and regular bag of blogging tricks. So you'll have bare with me just a tad.

In the meantime, here are two more SUH-WEET Jimmericks!

From Dave:

In the first round Jimmer played Wofford,
he took on the challenged they offered.
The win was a cinch,
he can score from the bench,
And now the get to play Gonzaga.

From Dad:

This Fredette boy is one for the ages.
He will fill up the record book pages.
So excited we get
With young Jimmer Fredette,
That the mania becomes quite contagious!

Keep 'em coming :)

1 comment:

  1. When Jimmer dropped 34 on Gonzaga
    The fans in the stands all went ga-
    When he does it again
    'Gainst the Gators, then
    He's sure to continue the saga.
