Friday, March 11, 2011

Talk Nerdy to Me

Just because I need this to be included in Sweeneyville Vol. 3 when it goes to print...

Yesterday when my little brother Brian called me, this has to be my favorite part of that conversation:

Brian: "Remember when I was in Middle School and I did that science fair project about landfills and I won a bunch of awards and money with it and I used the money to pay for Scout Camp that summer?"
Me: "That has to be the nerdiest thing you have ever said to me."

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love it when Brian calls me :)


  1. I'll say it again...David told me Brian was the smartest Bingham.

  2. Ha ha I love it! That is what I should give you for your birthday... a list nerdy Brian sayings. This one happens on a weekly occurrence, "do you realize how many chemical reactions are occurring just by me taking this drink of water?"

  3. HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Oh, Kelly, that was the best ever. I am thinking we need to add a widget of some kind to my blog dedicated just to Brian....
