Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hair Dare

***Side-note: Mom got her surgery date: Next Wednesday, March 30. YAY! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers :)***

I have been absolutely torn as to whether or not to go through with my latest blog challenge. I picked out the project, I did some research, made some plans, and then figured out the exact days when I was going to do it. And since this Friday is my projected start date I guess I am going to go for it and hope that I can muster the endurance to finish. So what is it you ask? Training for a marathon? Climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro? Not letting Luke watch Netflix for 7 hours a day? No, something even more strenuous, difficult and physically taxing for someone like me. It's doing my hair differently every day for 30 days. I know what you are thinking, wouldn't just doing your hair every day for 30 days be a challenge enough? Touché. Yes, it would. But if you know me, you know that I have one hairstyle. And the word "hairstyle" is used very loosely here. I need to mix things up and bring out my inner Queen Amidala. Okay, maybe not quite like her, but you get the idea. Anyway, I am not going to cut or color my hair, just going to put actual thought into a different style each day- be it simple or more involved, straight or curly, braids, no braids; you get the idea. So you might see me in a headband, or pigtails or even a hat that is not a ballcap. What's next? Cats and dogs living together!?!?!?? It's so radical, I know. If you want to submit ideas to me on hairstyles you would like to see me try, I am all in favor. Just don't suggest the Princess Leia, Justin Beiber, or anything done by Sanjaya from American Idol. I'm already doing those. The 30 days starts Friday! Now where is my camera?


  1. Well, at least you don't have to spend forever curling your hair, you got that one down already.

    My sister-in-law didn't want to use a hot curling iron on her daughter so she hit up youtube and learned how to do her hair using strips of fabric rolled into her hair the night before. Turned out pretty good. You don't need curl, but you might get some inspiration from youtube. They do know it all over there.

  2. Try are different & kinda fun! Someone I know runs the site. Enjoy! :)
