Monday, February 28, 2011

Z is for Zingo!!!!

Happy last day of February everyone! I thought I would finish up today on the last day of the month. It just feels right :)

Zingo is a game for little kids that Luke has recently discovered and he makes me play it with him about 6 times a day. Every. Single. Day. It is basically Bingo with little tile pictures instead of numbers. I remember when I bought this game for Cindy two years ago, I didn't think it was that fun. But my kids both just LOVE this game! (And it has 220 5 star reviews on Amazon- go figure?) Anyway, Luke at least is very entertaining to play with because he still loves to beat you and thinks it absolutely hysterical when that happens. Here is a little bit of our last game we played this morning...

And yes, he got a haircut :) The need for a summer buzz is already in full effect down here.


  1. Haha! Our neighbor gave us that game a few years ago and it is still a favorite with the kids.

  2. Lis watched it & said, "I like Luke. He's cute." :) I was thinking the same thing. :)
