Tuesday, February 22, 2011

V is for Vienna Sausage

First off, why is it even called that? Yeah, yeah, invented in Vienna or something like that, but it gets no help when it turns out not be actual sausages and just tiny little hot dogs in a pop-top can. Anyway, the reason for my discussion of Vienna Sausage comes from the fact that I got a call from my very excited father the other day telling me had just eaten a 9-YEAR-OLD can of these bad boys ouf of his food storage and they tasted just as declicious (or disgusting- you be the judge) as they normally do when you eat them fresh! Who knew? And to top it off, he even told me that he "chopped them up and put them in his 3-year-old Minestrone Chunky Soup" from food storage. Oh yeah, that's a soup that eats like a meal, all right! In other food news, sadly the Bisquik from 2008 did not pass the test of approval (unless you like pancakes that have the thickness of an envelope, in which case you would love it.) So thanks to my Dad for being the canary in the coal mine! And if you are keeping score of shelf lives, it's Vienna Sausage = Infinity, Chunky Soup = half of Infinity, Bisquik = about a year since you bought it, which I think is unacceptable. We need to fix this problem....

1 comment:

  1. Did you try adding some fresh baking powder to the Bisquick? Might do the trick...
