I was wondering about something, do you or your family members have an affinity for toast? Because mine does. In fact, this trait is one of those items that could be added to my "You might be a Bingham if..." list. It seems that my whole family just loves toast. Toast with breakfast, toast as a snack, as an appetizer- whatever, we just need our toast. I know that for me it is very hard to eat cereal without desiring a piece of toast to go with it. I can literally taste it in my mouth when I eat cereal. My taste buds
expect the toast. (That's why my current low-carb diet is just about to kill me...) They are meant to go together! And don't even get me started on eggs. It should be
criminal to eat eggs without a piece of toast! I remember being a kid and having breakfast for dinner sometimes. One of us kids was always in charge of making the toast. We would have to toast at least two slices per person, butter it liberally and put it in a large round pie tin. A tin full of toast. It was an absolute necessity! When I was little and sick with some sort of stomach virus and couldn't keep anything down, it's always kind of a bright spot when I realized that having to eat toast was usually the first baby step when venturing back into the land of normal food consumption. Or when it was late and us kids needed a little bedtime snack, we had toast! Of course, when eating toast as a snack, it must be eaten with peanut butter and a small glass of milk. Mere margerine will not suffice it to be hearty enough to stand alone and achieve true snack status. But absolutely under no circumstances can you eat it with grape jelly. It's either peanut butter or butter or nothing. But never jelly! Because that is just wrong. This toast obssession is probably all due to my Dad, who has always loved breakfast and who I know loves toast. This is definitely where I get
my breakfast infatuation from. And I know my siblings all love toast just as much. This is what made me even write this post- the other day while at my brother Chris' house, his wife Molly was saying how strange she thought it was that most nights before bed, Chris would be in the kitchen eating some toast on a paper towel. Not strange, Molly. He's a Bingham :)
So what do
you think of toast? I think it should be the official snack of Polk County and registered as a national treasure. I also believe the scene in Nacho Libre where he and Incarnacion share some toast in his quarters is absolutely magical. I mean, what could be better than sharing toast with that special someone? Well, how about some wild and wacky toast gifts? Jacob, you officially have no excuses come Mother's Day...
Toast clock?
Toast Wallet?
Inflatable toast mattress?
Triple Dog Yes.
Do I even have to ask?
(Yes, it burns that image into every slice it makes. The Force is just so cool sometimes!)
We love toast here, too. Trevor is ALWAYS eating it with his cereal--& at fam reunions with his family, we go through not a loaf--but loaves at breakfast. :) I hear you! (And, I can't eat eggs without toast...!) Peanut butter toast is also a staple at our house...oh, toast! It is amazing & oh-so-versatile! :)
Ok, I grew up as toast with butter jelly, or toast with butter and cinnamon-sugar on it as a dessert.
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