Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And so it begins...

We made it to November, so 30 Movies in 30 Days begins now! A few ground rules: The movie that each reader chose isn't necessarily their favorite movie, it just happens to be one they recommended and one that I have not seen. And I don't actually have to watch one per day, just so long as I get 30 in by the end of the month. Thanksgiving Day might be a hard one anyway. What, with all that tryptophan coursing through my veins...

#1- How To Train Your Dragon
Suggested by Sweeneyville reader Christina Lunsford

Christina was born on a small farm in Wheeling, West Virginia. She was inquisitive, bright, and loved animals. She dreamed of becoming a small town veterinarian by day and a fishmonger by night. Okay, okay. You got me. None of that is true; I don't know what came over me! Actually nothing came over me, that is just how I am all the time. But I digress... Now for the real 411 on Christina. She is a dear friend who used to live here in Lakeland and be in my church ward, until my mad writing skills wrote a magical profile on LDSLinkUp. Brandon, upon reading it and being the smart boy he is, snatched Christina right up and took her away to the enchanted land of Arkansas, for which we all have still not forgiven him. Totally kidding, Brandon! All of us here in Lakeland miss both of you guys a ton and give oodles of thanks and appreciation for not only being great friends, but also for your service to our country. Christina is in the National Guard, Brandon was Army. Seriously, they look unassuming, but don't mess with them. They've got their eyes on you...

How To Train Your Dragon
Overall Score: 8/10
Deductions: Length, lack of women
Bonus points: Great music!
Verdict: I actually really, really liked this movie. It was very funny to me. (I like my humor like I like Luke's bed in the morning: Dry) And best of all, Cindy got totally sucked in and was almost crying by the end. Sucker!! (I had tried to get her to see this movie about 10 times previously, but she insisted this was a "boy movie" and wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Nanner, nanner on her!) Luke on the other hand, took several breaks to put together a puzzle, do some lace-n-trace, get a drink, etc. but he did laugh at a few parts and acknowledge the movie's presence. Thanks, Christina! I give this two talons up :)


  1. I like that movie too. I took my two older boys to the cheapie theatre to see it. Oh and they were vikings...only one character in that movie looked like a girl. The grown women, well, kinda looked like the men. Just saying'

  2. Love you and miss you! I probably did want to be a vet when I was younger. And you DO have mad writing skills!!
