Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Attention: We have a wiggly tooth!

I can't believe this day has arrived. Cindy finally has a loose tooth :) For some time now, every single one of Cindy's friends have lost a tooth. And not just one tooth, but many teeth. Sometimes her friends have lost two teeth in a week! (How careless, I know...) But not Cindy. Despite the deepest desires of her heart, her teeth have simply not budged. Not a smidge. She hasn't even had a wiggle. Not anything. And she was not happy about it. In fact, Cindy's envy was so green it could be Obama's Jobs Czar. However, last night at soccer practice she showed me that indeed Houston, we have movement! This announcement came about 10 minutes after Cindy got kicked in the face with a soccer ball by her teammate, so I am not sure if that had anything to do with it or not, but remind me to thank that girl later. For now, it is just keeping Cindy up at night and making her do ridiculous things like asking to eat an apple for breakfast. (Fruit? Who are we kidding?!) So now we are officially on tooth watch around here 24-7. Today she has a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch and then the park, so naturally something will happen when she is far from home and unable to reach me. But as soon as that thing is out- which will be another fantastic blog post I am sure- pictures will follow. Thank You, Picture Day, for being last week :)

1 comment:

  1. You know, Hannah hasn't lost a tooth yet either. We just noticed that one is slightly wiggly the other night and she is so anxious for it to fall out. Me, on the other hand, is quite anxious for it to stay in as the sight of a loose tooth makes me kinda queasy.
