Monday, September 27, 2010

My evening fell apart

And that is why I didn't get to my musical post today :( However, against overwhelming odds Cindy's homework is done, we did not eat out for dinner, all my primary kids have their cookies they did not get on Sunday, Luke is the proud owner of a real life Iron Man Halloween costume (many pictures to appear soon) AND I FINALLY RETURNED MY DANG DVD (Iron Man cartoon) BACK TO REDBOX!!!! Ever had one of those rentals that is like crazy glue and you just can't seem to get it back to the kiosk day after day after day? I rented it Friday and finally got it back tonight. Interesting story of the day: (this one is for you, Toad) There was a giant dead, ant-infested falcon-like bird in front of the kiosk outside Walgreens. It was kinda fun to watch each person walk up and get completely taken off guard by it. And even more fun to watch the 4 Walgreens employees decide how to remove it. Hey, isn't that a joke? How many Walgreens employees does it take to remove a dead falcon from in front of a Redbox kiosk? Well, maybe not. (Coincidentally the answer is 4- three goth girls to be totally grossed out by it and one nerdy looking boy to just put it in a plastic bag and roll his eyes at his pansy co-workers.) Join me tomorrow, when I will surely redeem myself :)

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