Saturday, September 18, 2010
As you are reading this today, I am headed up to Tallahassee to watch Florida State play BYU in college football. My father-in-law got some sweet tickets through his work and has graciously invited Jacob and I, as well as my parents and brothers (and their wives too) to go to the game. A HUGE thank you on that one! :) So what better way to combine today's music post and Cougar football than a rousing rendition of the official BYU Cougar Fight Song. I have so many fond memories of singing this while at the games while in school there. Ahhh, good times. Brian, here is your tutorial, have it memorized by next game...
I was meaning to record my own version of what follows, but years and years ago my Dad wrote a parody of this song. I will pause while you get back up because I know you just fainted with surprise at hearing that. A Bingham writing a song parody? What? Anyway, go ahead and hit the replay button up there on that song and sing these words instead :)
Rise all loyal co-eds
And hurl your challenge to the foe:
We will date,
Long and late,
Rain or Snow.
Stalwart men and true,
We’re coming after you!
While we sing,
Go buy the ring
There’s no other hope for you.
Oh, rise and shout
Our cries will ring out
“We all want re-turned missionaries!”
Rise and Shout,
There’s really no doubt
Don’t want no lazy bums or fairies!
Just for you the strip will turn blue,
We all want lots of sons and daughters.
As we join in song
In praise of you,
Our love is strong,
We’ll tell the ugly girls at the U
We found our husbands at BYU!
Rah rah rah rah rah,
rah rah rah rah rah,
rah rah rah rah rah,
Gooooooooo COUGARS!!!!
I was laughing reading your dad's lyrics. I miss his humor. He always made someone smile and most likely laugh.