Saturday, August 7, 2010

What to blog about when you can't think of anything...

Nothing super amazing is going on right now that is really blog-worthy. Well, besides how that meteor hit my Honda last night... So when I hit a lull, the experts of the blogging world suggest to write about a picture that is worth a thousand words. Lucky for you I just happen to have one from a story I saw online a while back! (I take the Scout motto very seriously since becoming a merit badge counselor.) Anyway, the news story was on Yahoo and it was about Microsoft and some new lawsuit that was being filed against them. It was nothing out of the ordinary and like most online stories, there was a standard picture that went with it right at the top. It was a picture of the Microsoft sign at its HQ in Washington. Nice and normal, right? But the picture also included a jogger from 1988 in tiny shorts running in front of the sign.

So you are telling me that of all the pictures of the Microsoft sign in the entire online universe, Yahoo felt this one was the best they could do for a prominent front page story? I like to think there was a lowly copy editing peon somewhere that had a good laugh over that one. And that he got promoted the next day.

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