So much to blog about, so little time! We will start here:
So last week on Wednesday, the infamous Elder Sweeney returned from his mission! And last Saturday I started to feel like Sean needed some sort of welcome home festivities. I was pretty sure he would not be expecting anything and we would definitely have the element of surprise on our side if we could pull somethng together. Plus, I realized he would be arriving home at about the exact same time as mutual was happening for the youth in our ward- SO adding all this up I came to the conclusion that Sean needed a Welcome Home brigade along Lakeland Highlands Road and then through his neighborhood. Then we could all meet back at the house for an instant Open House and Sean would just love all the attention. Right, Sean? Anyway, we have such wonderful ward members and youth and leaders who completely helped out and volunteered willingly to stand on the side of the road and wave signs at Sean. I have some video and I am making a really sweet montage for Sean, and one day you will see that on Facebook. But for now, here are a few pictures:

I made a whole bunch of signs and had volunteers strategically placed all along the road home. My parents were first to meet him on the Lakeland Highlands exit off 570. He was surprised all right! I burned the theme music from
The Rocketeer and had them put that in the CD player as well. Music just makes everything better, in my opinion.

Here are the Bailey's at the corner of Clubhouse and Lakeland Highlands. I also had the help of Trevor Salisbury, Jarred Weggeland, Scott Miller, Shane Nelson, Sheryl Weldon and kids, The Williams family and then also...

Tammy Holmes and children too. Again, THANK YOU!!!

Cindy made this sign herself, Super Sean- she was sooooo excited! This was at the front gate to the neighborhood. The entire youth group (boys and girls) were lined up all the way to his house. It was perfect :)

A happy reunion!

Luke needed a little more convincing ;)

I thought of what to write on his cake at about 4 in the morning. I can't just write, "Welcome Home" on it, this is ME we're talking about here...

There were actually a TON of people waiting to have cake and say hello to the latest RM. It was so great!

Cindy thought of this herself! I couldn't think of just what to have the signs say and she told me, "Mission Accomplished". I was so impressed until she told me she got the idea from Call of Duty on Xbox where "they say that all the time." Oh, brother!
Anyway, it was so fun to have Sean come home, his homecoming talk was fantastic and I know he will have a rockin' time out at BYU. We will miss him! Cindy is counting the days until Christmas :)
Awww, that is awesome!