Friday, July 2, 2010

Official Eclipse Review

I have a lot of stuff to blog about, but while I compile photos and what not for those posts to come, here is something completely awesome to keep you satisfied. You're welcome.

My Official Review of Twilight: Eclipse

*Disclaimer: Just to make one thing clear, I am perfectly aware of what these Twilight movies really are. Eye candy. Guilty pleasures. Escapism. Not really contributing to society in any way, shape or form. They aren't going to help cure cancer or bring about world peace. They will never win a critical cinema award or be ranked on some sort of list of the most influential movies ever made. I get it. But if people out there get to be Trekkies, wizarding wannabes and dress up like Hobbits, then dangit! I get to love Twilight! It's only fair. So after seeing it twice already, here are my thoughts:

The Good

  • Director David Slade obviously put on his big boy pants and started to demand better acting out of the cast. Edward was actually charming and non-wooden this time around. Yay oh YAY!
  • This movie had genuine humor- finally! (Best line ever: "Because let's face it, I am hotter than you." ---Jacob)
  • Carlisle gets some good screen time. Including some fight scenes and he always comes out looking like the best-dressed vampire that he is. Sigh....
  • The local Vampire/Spy Apparel store has an amazing selection, because the Cullens look fantastic in their fighting clothes.
  • This time the Vampires are made of stone so their heads shatter when they are killed. Different, but I like it!
  • Background on the characters (i.e. Rosalie and Jasper) was fun to see on the big screen.
  • The official soundtrack is awesome. Check it out.
  • Oh yeah- my first viewing of the film had a trailer for a new Zac Efron movie. I love me some Zac Efron :)

The Bad

  • Unfortunately, Esme has been assimilated by the Borg. She looks very robotic.
  • Jasper's eyebrows are fast approaching 'The Rock' status. He needs to tone that down a few hundred levels.
  • Felix's character is starting to remind me of Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove. Just a big dumb guy they bring along for the muscles, but without the cool sandals.
  • The final scene with Jacob where Bella essentially tells him she is not choosing him lacked the length and intensity that the book had. Where were your tears Bella??

The Ugly

  • So very happy to report there were no cringe-inducing moments for me this time around :)

So overall, this movie almost totally got it right. It was extremely true to the book and it translated very nice onto the big screen. This latest installment has definitely eclipsed everything prior. Get it, "eclipsed" it? Ahh, the pun just never gets old. At least to me, anyway.


  1. You almost make me want to see it... almost but not quite. :)

  2. You and your puns....Did you know asian people LOVE puns? Well at least my hubby and his family. I still roll my eyes, to be quite honest. To each their own.
