Sunday, July 11, 2010

And then there was one

The World Cup wrapped up today, and just like I predicted, Spain won the tournament! Which allows me to say a big I told you so! (Hey, it doesn't happen often, so I have to take it where I can get it.) The game was ugly, the ref was horrible because he called every single foul, and there was only one goal in the second overtime, but, a win's a win. Congrats to Spain, and my bracket which finished #435! I can't play as well as Jacob, but I can pick better than him any day ;) I obviously don't have to say that I put a beat down on Brian and my dad in the bracket challenge, but I will mention that Cindy's bracket beat out my dad's, and hers was based on which country had the prettier flag. Tough break, Dad!

So here are the final rankings among my entire family (according to country where a mission was served):

1. Uncle Brian (Spain)
(And just as a reference, his bracket came in at #138,836 on

Brian called and talked to me while I was writing this, and for his awesomeness he demanded some "face time" on here. So here you go:

Well, you asked for it!

2. Uncle Chris (Germany- 3rd place)
3. Grandpa Bingham (Uruguay- 4th place)
4. Grandpa Bingham (Paraguay)
5. Uncle Dave (Chile)
5. Grandpa Sweeney (Japan)
6. Jacob, Nathan, KaRyn, Sean (USA)

Jacob and I watched the final World Cup 2010 video montage at the end of the broadcast just a few hours ago and when it was over and the screen went dark, we felt a huge emptiness in our lives. Seriously, now what? I guess all I have to look forward to now is a crummy wedding. HA! Just kidding BK. Actually, your wedding comes at an absolutely perfect time- with that in the crosshairs I think I can make it thru the next week and a half of post-World Cup life. Plus, in the mean time, I also get to go to scout camp on Wednesday where I am the official merit badge counselor for Indian Lore. No, I am not making that up. But I will be writing up something super fantastic for you about my findings concerning the Florida Seminole Indians. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. I know I have said this before but if you need something to fill the emptiness, start with episode 1, season 1 of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" on Nickelodeon. I know, I know. It's a "cartoon". But it is way good. (The live-action movie makes a HUGE sucking sound, though)
