After the brunch that morning, we headed to the Temple in downtown Salt Lake City. The only real mishap that occured was Brian forgetting that the marriage license was in his backpack, which was in my parents' rental car. But we got it to him with no problem and that was the only real drama of the day. The sealing was beautiful. The room was a little hot inside, but we all survived and by the end, the Bingham side of the family was bawling their eyes out. Sorry Kelly, that's just how we roll.
I didn't have the best position in the world for this photo when they came out of the temple, but you get the idea. They were smooching! Oh, the scandal!
I am not sure I know anyone as effortlessly photogenic as Kelly. I think she even misplaced her makeup for a time that morning and had very little time to get ready. So gorgeous :)
Best piece of interesting in-law trivia: Kelly is now the second daughter in her family to have parents-in-law named Mike and Linda. Her sister, Stacey (or was it Leslie?) also has them. Isn't that interesting??!! Heck yes, it is!
Most Improved Photographer: Mom! I stole a bunch of pictures off her camera for these posts, and while sometimes the picture quality is not that great, that does mean one thing in certain instances: Mom was using her ZOOM feature!! I am so proud! So here are some fantastic candid shots from mom and her new mad camera skills... Way to go, Mom!
And now I would like to present the Roadie award for Best Way to hold flowers and still look like a Man's Man: Brian.
I could crush these flowers with just my little pinky!!!!
Pretty sweet shots! Mom's Roadie was well, well-deserved :)
Best way to tell a friend you actually hate them: This award goes to Kelly's friends, who this time, after the sealing, saran-wrapped Brian's truck and filled the cab completely with newspaper. It was quite the time trying to get thru all that so they could actually drive it :)
So after pictures were done, we were free to leave! Like I said, with no reception to rush off to, it was perfect! So what was on the agenda for that night??? A sweet little mini family reunion up in Bountiful with Nathan, Linnley, Robert, Brooke and all the kids.
We met up at the Bountiful Pioneer Day parade at about 6:30pm. And....
Most Shocking Thing about the Bountiful Utah Pioneer Day Parade: It's a tie between "It was almost 2 hours long" and "There was a non-LDS church float in the parade." Both of which were totally true! Of course, for Cindy and her cousin, Michelle, the parade being two hours was fantastic. Here they are enjoying themselves:
Among other things, Cindy caught frisbees, freezie pops, popcorn balls, about 17 pounds of useless taffy, suckers, coupons, a bag of peanuts, stickers, frozen yogurt-Were goodies falling from the sky?! Yes, El Guapo....
Best thing being handed out at the Bountiful parade: Lion House Rolls. Did you hear me, they were giving out ROLLS! At a parade! How Mormon can you get, people???
Nathan, Linnley and Robert at the parade. Sweeneys must wear sunglasses. It's in the rules.
Real Salt Lake soccer had this sweet float. Way to represent!
Finally! A picture with the 3 Sweeney sisters-in-law! Linnley on the left and Brooke on the right.
So after getting something to eat and Brooke taking Cindy and her girls to the Bountiful City Fireworks display, we met back at Brooke's parent's house. We just sat in the front yard and talked and let the kids run around. At night. With no bug spray. And it almost got cool enough for a light jacket. Incredible. I would sleep outside every night in the summer in Utah. And of course, Nathan and Robert's stories about each other and the hijinx of their younger years was pretty darn funny.
And now the Roadie for Bestest Uncle goes to: Nathan. I say this because everyone can agree that the cousins know exactly who to go to when they want someone to play with them. And Nathan did not disappoint Michelle and Cindy. He was a genius for coming up with the game of "Throw 12 glow stick bracelets super high in the air and let the kids catch them." The girls were in heaven :)
If you look at this picture at the very top right, you can faintly see the glow sticks. I tried so many times to get this picture to be better, but I did not succeed beyond this.
This takes us through Friday. Whew! I am saving my best stories and awards for last, so tomorrow is going to be crucial. See you then :)
I was at that parade too! Next time, give me a call and you can sit in Greg's front yard with us for the fireworks. Best seats ever... just sayin'.