Because I know you are waiting with baited breath to find out how the last three days of my life have gone, I won't keep you waiting much longer.
Census: I have to work one more week :( Why? Because my super huge cell phone bill doesn't come out until Wednesday and I can't get reimbursed for all the calls if I am not a current employee. OH, BROTHER!
Summer: It is going great! Cindy has only told me three times that she is bored. Ha! So far we have cleaned out our bonus room, been to the movies twice, bought hula hoops, lit off some sparklers and gone swimming. Pretty boring stuff, eh?
Church: I have been writing my talk for tomorrow. Writing a talk is something that usually comes very easy to me, but this one has been very, very difficult! As of right now on Saturday evening, I am just about done. It will be a photo finish :)
Elder Sweeney: I won't really get to hear the results of the massive postcard campaign to Sean until this Thursday on his p-day. But guess what? Friday was his zone conference and the day he gets to go to the office and get his mail. Was that inspired or what?? I can't wait to hear about his experience.
World Cup: What a day today! I was literally nauseous through most of the USA v England game today. This game was huge. The game ended in a tie and we got the luckiest goal in the history of the World Cup, so the Americans are still alive to try and place 1 or 2 in their group. Only Slovenia and Algeria stand in the way. The US doesn't play until next Friday, but there are still three games a day on ESPN to fill the void. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLL!
Exercise: What does that word mean again? I am drawing a blank....
Cindy should come spend a day with me this summer, she will then be bored! I get to sit in an office all day tell people what to do and test chemicals. As well as the occasional patron yelling at me for some reason.