Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cindy and the Beanstalk

Remember Sweeney's Law #7 about how Cindy can plant a seed pretty much anywhere in the yard and it will grow like a mammoth? Well, here is the visual proof. A while back Cindy planted a whole bunch of seeds all over the place outside. Not just in the garden, but anywhere she thought was good. (Hence, I had snow peas in May growing in my front flower bed.) But she also apparently planted two sunflowers seeds in the front bed as well, and what do you know, despite it being shaded 80% of the day, this one sunflower grew to be an astounding 8 ft 11 inches tall. I am stunned! Cindy acts like it's no big deal, I mean, geez, how hard is it to grow a flower taller than our house, right Mom?

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